9.2 This Agreement in accordance with Article 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is a
contract of adhesion, defining all mutual rights, obligations and responsibilities of the User and the
Company regarding the conditions of the User's use of the Company's Service. The Agreement
supersedes all previous agreements, contracts or statements regarding the User's use of the Service.
9.3 This Agreement shall remain in force until the User ceases to use the Company's Service, or until the
Company ceases to provide the Service, or until termination by the Parties to this Agreement.
9.4 The provisions of this Agreement governing disclaimer of warranties, limitation of liability, release of
liability, intellectual property rights, and applicable law and jurisdiction shall survive the termination of
this Agreement or its termination by the parties hereto.
10. Term of validity of the Contract, grounds for its termination
10.1 The Agreement shall come into force from the moment of its conclusion by the User (in accordance
with clause 2.1. of the Agreement) and shall remain in force until the moment of termination of the
10.2 The Company has the right to refuse to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement in accordance
with clause 12.6 of the Agreement and, in this case, in case of losses caused to the User by the
termination of the Agreement, shall be exempt from their compensation.
10.3 The Company has the right to initiate the termination of this Agreement and terminate
Subscriptions for specific services unilaterally in case of violation of the terms of this Agreement by the
10.4 In case the Contract is concluded in writing, unilateral termination of the Contract by one of the
Parties shall be made subject to sending a corresponding written application to the other Party.
10.5 The User has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, subject to fulfillment of all
obligations to the Company arising prior to the termination.
11. force majeure circumstances
11.1 The Company and/or the User shall be released from liability for failure to fulfill or improper
fulfillment of obligations arising from the Agreement if the reason for failure to fulfill (improper
fulfillment) are force majeure circumstances, which, among others, include extraordinary and
insurmountable under the given conditions circumstances that occurred after the conclusion of the
Agreement and prevent the Parties from fulfilling their obligations under the Agreement, including:
11.1.1. earthquakes, floods, hurricanes or other natural disasters, fires, man-made accidents and
catastrophes, accidents at engineering constructions and communications, including accidents at the
facilities of power supply organizations, mass disorders, military actions, riots, civil unrest, epidemics,
blockade, embargo, terrorist actions, declared or actual war, strikes, as well as other circumstances that
the Company could not foresee and anticipate in advance.
11.1.2. decrees or resolutions of governmental authorities restricting the Company's activity on
provision of the Service.
11.2 In case of failure to notify the other Party of the occurrence and termination of force majeure
circumstances, the Party concerned shall not be entitled to refer to them as grounds for exemption from
liability, unless the occurrence of such circumstances also prevents notification.